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General Enquiries


Registered office address

Value Match Foundation

Privet Cottage, Wybunbury Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7HH

01270 842486

Value Match Foundation is a company with charitable purposes limited by guarantee under company registration number 12687469.

Registered charity status pending.

Terms of Usage

The materials on this website are subject to copyright and are licenced under the terms of a commercial commons licence. Materials are free for all to use for non-commercial purposes, providing Value Match Foundation is accredited with their development and no changes are made.


By non-commercial we mean that whilst the materials may be used to promote the values of an organisation or an individual, the re-selling or packaging of these materials for monetary gain is not permitted by the licence. 

Further, for organisations, registration is required for eligibility to use our Value Match Model Logos and Value Match Tiles.  A contribution to our work would also be greatly appreciated. And in return for this, we will list you on our Value Match Directory to showcase your commitment and enable you to become ‘value matched’ with other organisations and individuals.