More about our Values:
Value Relationships

Our Value of Relationships supports the furtherance of collaborative working and promotion of held values. It is seen as a primary driver of support for the following of the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals.

An individual identifying Relationships as a Value, would prioritise acting in such ways as:

  • Reaching out to others.
  • Creating empathy by sharing your beliefs and Values, listening to other people and taking account of what they believe.
  • Socialising, networking and forming meaningful connections with others, friendships and partnerships.
  • Bringing people together to create happiness, prosperity and to provide support in times of difficulty.

An organisation Valuing Relationships would prioritise using consultation, collaboration, cooperation, transparency and two-way dialogue to:

  • Create respect, trust and reciprocal relationships.
  • Structure relationships on the basis of mutually agreed terms (and goals as appropriate) and reporting of results.
  • Provide customer and supplier support, mechanisms for grievance and complaint redress.
  • Articulate held Values via advocacy, responsible lobbying and values ambassadorship.

Coming soon: our pdf which maps how this Value supports the legal duties of companies, charities and public sector organisations.